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Considering the average credit report has 11 items that could be removed.
We make it affordable! Our plans are completely tailored to your individual needs.
Here’s how we can help you get there:
We'll analyze and review your credit + history, then we'll make strategic recommendations for you to take action.
We can help you dispute and remove items from your credit that may be holding you back from making a big purchase.
We'll start and continue providing resources to educate you on your credit. We'll always be available to answer any questions!
We know finance in general can cause headaches, which is why we’ve made our process of working with you the easiest it’s ever been!
Considering the average credit report has 11 items that could be removed.
We make it affordable! Our plans are completely tailored to your individual needs.
Dealing with all of these items can be stressful and time consuming, so we take care of that for you.
A collection status shows the creditor gave up trying to collect a payment from you, and either sold the account or leased to a 3rd party company to collect the debt.
Consumers often send a payment on time and late payments show up on credit reports because of clerical errors, mail delays or simply due to sheer incompetence.
Dealing with all of these items can be stressful and time consuming, so we take care of that for you.
A collection status shows the creditor gave up trying to collect a payment from you, and either sold the account or leased to a 3rd party company to collect the debt.
Consumers often send a payment on time and late payments show up on credit reports because of clerical errors, mail delays or simply due to sheer incompetence.
Bankruptcies are extremely negative due to the fact they are high dollar amounts considering it is real estate.
After 90 to 120 days of no payment, creditors will report your debt as uncollectible and sell your account to either a 3rd party debt collection agency, or lease the debt to a company to try to collect. A creditor might send your account to collections before or after charging it off.
If you are late paying on a car or boat, or any vehicle for that matter; it can get ugly. The creditor will usually sell the vehicle at auction for a fraction of what is owed, then sell the balance to a collection agency. You are left owing the deficiency balance.
There are many more different types of accounts that can negatively impact your score, but we are here to help you throughout the process!
Bankruptcies are extremely negative due to the fact they are high dollar amounts considering it is real estate.
After 90 to 120 days of no payment, creditors will report your debt as uncollectible and sell your account to either a 3rd party debt collection agency, or lease the debt to a company to try to collect. A creditor might send your account to collections before or after charging it off.
If you are late paying on a car or boat, or any vehicle for that matter; it can get ugly. The creditor will usually sell the vehicle at auction for a fraction of what is owed, then sell the balance to a collection agency. You are left owing the deficiency balance.
There are many more different types of accounts that can negatively impact your score, but we are here to help you throughout the process!
Book Your Consultation and start your journey to a better credit score and happier life!
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